Kashan University of Medical Sciences , farajipoor_h@kaums.ac.ir
Abstract: (6579 Views)
Background: Deep neck infections are relatively common and appear in the vicinity of the great vessels, organs and mediastinum. The aim of this study was to determine the epidemiology of deep neck infections among the hospitalized patients in Kashan Matini hospital.
Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out on patients hospitalized with the diagnosis of deep neck infections in Kashan Matini hospital from Sep 2006 to August 2007. Demographic data of the participants and the history and clinical findings of the disease were recorded using a questionnaire. Then to provide the smear, culture and antibiogram, the samples were taken from the infected area. Finally, the findings and treatment measures were recorded.
Results: Among the 66 participants (mean age: 34.48 ± 17.71), 27 (40.9%) were male and 39 female. The most common problems on admission were fever (70%), pain (67%), tenderness and dysphasia (52%), respectively. Regarding the etiology of the disease, the most common bacteria were mixed bacteria (39.39 %), anaerobic (33.33 %) and aerobic ones. Approximately two thirds of the patients underwent surgery had shorter lengths of hospital stay than the other patients (P=0.0002).
Conclusion: Pritonsilar and submandible abscess, the most common infections among the patients in this hospital, are mostly associated with the early stages of tonsil and pharynx infections as well as the improperly performed dental procedures.
Yeghane-Moghadam A, Farajipour H, Haji-Jafari M, Zahedi M, Tabatabaee B. Epidemiologic evaluation of deep neck infections among the hospitalized patients in Kashan Matini hospital (September 2006-August 2007). Feyz Med Sci J 2012; 16 (3) :282-287 URL: http://feyz.kaums.ac.ir/article-1-1495-en.html