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:: Volume 26, Issue 1 (Bimonthly 2022) ::
Feyz Med Sci J 2022, 26(1): 107-117 Back to browse issues page
Mental Health of Children and Adolescents During the Coronavirus 2019 Pandemic (COVID-19): A Systematic Review Study
Farzin Bagheri Sheykhangafshe * , Alireza Mohammadi Sangachin Doost , Nooshin Ansarifar , Vahid Savabi Niri , Fatemeh Asgari
PhD Candidate in Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran , farzinbagheri73@gmail.com
Abstract:   (2908 Views)
Background: During the Coronavirus 2019 pandemic, children and adolescents experienced a number of problems, such as distance from peers, participation in virtual classes, home quarantine, reduced physical activity, and hearing news related to the deadly COVID-19, which affected their mental health. In this regard, the present study was conducted to investigate depression, anxiety and stress in children and adolescents during the coronavirus 2019 pandemic.
Materials and Methods: This study is a review by searching by keywords Coronavirus 2019, Children, Adolescents, Depression, Stress, Anxiety, Mental Health, Pandemic and Psychology in the titles and abstracts of articles published in Google Scholar, PubMed, Scopus and ScienceDirect Searched for 2020 (February) to 2021 (July). 30 purposeful research articles based on exclusion criteria (unavailability of full text of the article, letter to the editor and no abstract) and entry into the research (relevance to the purpose of the research, having a structured research framework and publication in a valid journal) to select the selection Were.
Results: Studies have shown a decrease in the mental health of children and adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic. Depression, Anxiety, Stress, Fear, Social Isolation, Poor Sleep Quality, Decreased Physical Activity, Poor Academic Performance, Aggression, Behavioral Problems, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder are some of the most common problems in children and adolescents during COVID-19 outbreaks. Was. Factors such as age, gender, economic and social status, physical activity, domestic violence, parenting style and fear of COVID-19 affected the mental health of children and adolescents.
Conclusion: As children and adolescents reach a critical developmental age, home quarantine, social isolation, and school closures caused them to experience high levels of depression, anxiety, and stress during the COVID-19 pandemic. To this end, it is necessary for parents, psychologists and school counselors to take measures to increase the mental health, social support, resilience, mindfulness and psychological well-being of children and adolescents.
Keywords: COVD-19, Depression, Anxiety, Stress, Children, Adolescents
Full-Text [PDF 392 kb]   (1419 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Review | Subject: General
Received: 2021/09/5 | Revised: 2022/04/18 | Accepted: 2021/12/28 | Published: 2022/04/4
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Bagheri Sheykhangafshe F, Mohammadi Sangachin Doost A, Ansarifar N, Savabi Niri V, Asgari F. Mental Health of Children and Adolescents During the Coronavirus 2019 Pandemic (COVID-19): A Systematic Review Study. Feyz Med Sci J 2022; 26 (1) :107-117
URL: http://feyz.kaums.ac.ir/article-1-4462-en.html

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