History and Objectives: Due to the prevalence of cutaneous Mycoses in the community and with the hypothesis that the prevalence is high among individuals working in an environment that is inductive for such a condition such as working outdoors, collection of garbage and in a dusty environment, the present study was carried out on sanitary workers of Kashan in 1998.
Materials and Methods: A descriptive study was carried on all city municipality sanitary workers. All individuals were examined and from suspected cases samples were taken. Scaly material, dandruff, broken and deformed hair from face and head, patches without hair from face and head, colored nodules from the stem of hair from under arm and from brown and red patches bodies with etching and nails were taken as sample for further cultured and direct examination. The prevalence, type of infection and etiologic cause were determined.
Results: From 394 individuals, 125 (31.7%) displayed suspected mycoses anomalies from which 113 individuals (29%) were positive. Individuals with one disease were 1.5 (92.9%) and the rest had 2 or 3 type of mycoses. Trichomycosis eczylaris with 23.1% (91 individuals) psoriasis vulgaris with 3.1% (12 individuals), petirosprisis with 2.8 (11 individuals), erythrasma with 2.1% (8 individuals) and otomycosis (1 individual) were the most prevalent type of infection.
Conclusion: Due to the relatively high prevalence of the disease analytical study is suggested in order to understand the underlying causes of infection.
Asadi M A, Doroodgar A, Houshyar H. Prevalence of cutaneous Mycoses among sanitary workers of city municipality of Kashan, 1998 . Feyz Med Sci J 1999; 3 (1) :92-99 URL: http://feyz.kaums.ac.ir/article-1-533-en.html