Tehran university of medical sciences , mehrdadj82@yahoo.com
Abstract: (2006 Views)
Background: Otosclerosis is a bone deforming disease of the otic capsule. The objective of our study was to evaluate the effect of stapedotomy on tinnitus in patients with otosclerosis. Materials and Methods: Nineteen patients with otosclerosis who suffered from tinnitus and conductive hearing loss and scheduled to undergo stapedotomy were enrolled in the study. The incidence and severity of tinnitus were recorded using a visual analog scale (VAS) questionnaire before and after surgery. Tinnitus scores were compared according to the VAS. Results: Mean age of patients was 37.3±10.8. Tinnitus disappeared in 47.4% of the cases, improved in 36.8%, and was unchanged in 15.8% of the patients. Mean tinnitus scores before and after the surgery were 6.4±1.9 and 3.1±2.4 respectively. Comparison of the tinnitus score revealed statistically significant improvement in the tinnitus perception of the patients who underwent stapedotomy (P<0.001). Conclusions: In otosclerotic patients who will undergo stapedotomy for hearing improvement, stapes surgery may improve tinnitus, also.
Emami H, Jafari M, Amirzargar B, Amali A. Effects of stapedotomy on tinnitus in patients with otosclerosis. Feyz Med Sci J 2021; 25 (3) :946-950 URL: http://feyz.kaums.ac.ir/article-1-4211-en.html