Shahroud University of Medical Sciences ,
Abstract: (11007 Views)
Background: Most women who experience some unpleasant or uncomfortable symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) may use some natural therapies or complementary medicine for relieving its symptoms. In making an evidence-based decision regarding the use of alternative medicine for these women, the health care providers should have access to high quality information. This study aimed to review the outcome and efficacy of clinical trials done in Iran on using herbal drug and complementary/alternative medicine to relieve PMS symptoms.
Materials and Methods: Electronic searching of Medline, Sid, Irandoc, Magiran, Journals of herbal drugs and sports sciences was performed during 2010-11. Moreover, through Internet search engines (e.g. Google and Yahoo), randomized clinical trials of herbal and complementary medicine for PMS in Iran were identified. The bibliographies of articles and students' theses were searched and evaluated.
Results: The results showed that exercise is beneficial for PMS and preliminary findings indicated that Hypericum perforatum, Saffron, Oenothera Lamarkiana, Starchy diet, Fennel and Chamomile, Vitex Agnus Castus, Ginkgo biloba, acupressure and counseling were also effective to relieve the PMS symptoms.
Conclusion: Among the above-mentioned measures, there is much evidence to support the use of exercise to reduce PMS symptoms.
Babazadeh R, Keramat A. Premenstrual syndrome and complementary medicine in Iran: a systematic review. Feyz Med Sci J 2011; 15 (2) :174-187 URL: